Undergraduate Researchers
A core initiative of our lab is to sponsor undergraduate research. We are actively recruiting dedicated and ambitious undergraduate students to pursue independent projects of mutual interest. Please send a CV and a description of your scientific interests to Matthew Medeiros if you are interested in joining the lab.
Graduate Students
The Medeiros hui is welcoming PhD and Masters level graduate students. Students will apply through the Zoology or Entomology Graduate Program. These graduate programs are highly competitive. Students applying to the lab should have 1) undergraduate research experience, 2) a strong quantitative and theoretical background in biology, and 3) the ambition and motivation to persevere through the challenges of graduate school. Students in the lab will be expected to develop independent research lines that complement the overall research objectives of the greater lab group. Students can anticipate a highly supportive lab environment that encourages mentorship, collaboration and scholarship. Contact Matthew Medeiros if you are interested in joining the group as a graduate student. Please supply a description of your past research experience and your future research plans and interests.
Postdoctoral Researchers
The Medeiros lab also invites post-doctoral researchers with external funding to contact us if the lab represents a good environment to pursue a project. In addition, the lab encourages post-doctoral researchers without funding to contact Matthew Medeiros to discuss project ideas for extramural funding opportunities.