Please email Matthew Medeiros if you would like a reprint of any of these manuscripts. Astericks (*) next to an author denote a member of the Medeiros Hui listed on the PEOPLE page.
In press or ahead of print
Seabourn, P.S.*, Spafford, H., Medeiros, M.C.I., & Goff, M. L. (2024). Elucidating the Distribution of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) on the Island of Maui. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 56, 13–27.
Kriefall, N.G.*, Seabourn, P.S.*, Yoneishi, N.M.*, Davis, K.*, Nakayama, K.K., Weber, D.E.*, Hynson, N.A., & Medeiros, M.C.I. (2024). Abiotic factors shape mosquito microbiomes that enhance host development. The ISME Journal 18, wrae181.
Costantini, M. S., Videvall, E., Foster, J. T., Medeiros, M. C. I., Gillece, J. D., Paxton, E. H., Crampton, L. H., Mounce, H. L., Wang, A.X., Fleischer, R.C., Campana, M.G., & Reed, F.A. (2024). The Role of Geography, Diet, and Host Phylogeny on the Gut Microbiome in the Hawaiian Honeycreeper Radiation. Ecology and Evolution 14, e70372.
Steadmon, M.*, Takakusagi, M., Wiegner, T.N., Jones, M., Economy, L.M., Panelo, J., Morrison, L.A., Medeiros, M.C.I., & Frank, K.L. (2024). Detection and modeling of Staphylococcus aureus and fecal bacteria in Hawaiian coastal waters and sands. Water Environmental Research 96, e11037.
Rollins, R. L.*, Medeiros, M. C., & Cowie, R. H. (2023). Stressed snails release Angiostrongylus cantonensis (rat lungworm) larvae in their slime. One Health 17, 100658.
Seabourn, P.S*. Weber, D.E*. Spafford, H., & Medeiros, M.C.I. (2023) The Aedes albopictus microbiome derives from environmental sources and partitions across distinct host tissues. Microbiology Open 12(3), e1364.
Griffin, C.D.* , Weber, D.E.*, Seabourn, P.S.*, Waianuhea, L.K.*, & Medeiros, M.C.I. (2023) Filtration of environmentally sourced aquatic media impacts laboratory-colonized Aedes albopictus early development and adult bacteriome composition. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 37, 693-704.
Griffin, C.D.*, Tominiko, C.*, Medeiros, M.C.I., & Walguarnery, J. (2023). Microplastic pollution differentially affects development of disease-vectoring Aedes and Culex mosquitoes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 15; 115639.
Medeiros, M.C.I., Seabourn, P.S.*, Yoneishi, N.M., & Rollins, R.L*. (2022). Mosquito microbiome diversity varies along a landscape-scale moisture gradient. Microbial Ecology, 84, 893–900.
Amend, A. S., Swift, S. O., Darcy, J. L., Belcaid, M., Nelson, C. E., Buchanan, J., Cetraro, N., Fariola, K.M., Frank, K.L., Kajihara, K., McDermot, T.G., McFall-Ngai, M., Medeiros, M.C.I., Mora, C., Nakayama, K.K., Nguyen, N.H., Rollins, R.L.*, Sadowski, P., Sparagon, W., Tefit, M.A. Yew, J.Y., Yogi, D, & Hynson, N. A. (2022). A ridge-to-reef ecosystem microbial census reveals environmental reservoirs for animal and plant microbiomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(33), e2204146119.
Essock-Burns, T., Bennett, B. D., Arencibia, D., Moriano-Gutierrez, S., Medeiros, M.C.I., McFall-Ngai, M. J., & Ruby, E. G. (2021). Bacterial Quorum-Sensing Regulation Induces Morphological Change in a Key Host Tissue during the Euprymna scolopes-Vibrio fischeri Symbiosis. Mbio, 12(5), e02402-21.
Juarez Valdez, J., Chaves, L., Garcia-Luna, S., Martin, E., Badillo-Vargas, I., Medeiros, M.C.I., & Hamer, G.L. (2021). Variable coverage in an Autocidal Gravid Ovitrap intervention impacts efficacy of Aedes aegypti control. Journal of Applied Ecology 58 (10), 2075-2086.
Costantini, M.S., Medeiros, M.C.I., Crampton, L.H, Reed, F.A. (2021) Wild gut microbiomes reveal individuals, species, and location as drivers of variation in two critically endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers. PeerJ 9:e12291.
Golnar, A, Medeiros, M.C.I., Rosenbaum, K., Bejcekm J. Hamer, S.A., & Hamer, G.L. (2021). Vector-borne blood-parasites of the great-tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) in east-central Texas, USA. Microorganisms, 9: 504.
Juarez, J.G., Garcia-Luna, S. , Medeiros, M.C.I., Dickinson, K.L., Borucki, M.K., Frank, M., Badillo-Vargas, I., Chaves, L.F., & Hamer, G.L. (2021). The eco-bio-social factors that modulate Aedes aegypti abundance in South Texas border communities. Insects 12:183.
Rollins, R. L.*, Cowie, R. H., Echaluse, M. V.*, & Medeiros, M.C.I. (2021). Host snail species exhibit differential Angiostrongylus cantonensis prevalence and infection intensity across an environmental gradient. Acta Tropica 216: 105824.
Seabourn, P.S.*, Spafford, H., Yoneishi, N.M.*, & Medeiros, M.C.I. (2020). The Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) microbiome varies spatially and with Ascogregarine infection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14(8): e0008615.
Medeiros, M. C.I., Rollins, R. L.*, Echaluse, M. V.*, & Cowie, R. H. (2020). Species identity and size are associated with rat lungworm infection in gastropods. EcoHealth, 17(2), 183-193.
Poh, K. C., Medeiros, M. C.I., & Hamer, G. L. (2020). Landscape and demographic determinants of Culex infection with West Nile virus during the 2012 epidemic in Dallas County, TX. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 33, 100336.
Cowie, R.H., Rollins, Randi L.*, Medeiros, M.C.I., & Christensen, C.C. (2019)New records of Clausiliidae: Tauphaedusa tau (Boettger, 1877)(Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) on O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands, and the first global record of infection of a clausiliid land snail with Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Chen, 1935), the rat lungworm. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 126, 11–18.
Martin, E., Medeiros, M.C.I., Carbajal, E., Valdez, E., Juarez, J.G., Luna, S.G., Salazar, A., Qualls, W.A., Hinojosa, S., Borucki, M.K. & Manley, H.A. (2019). Surveillance of Aedes aegypti indoors and outdoors using Autocidal Gravid Ovitraps in South Texas during local transmission of Zika virus, 2016 to 2018. Acta Tropica 192, 129-137.
Martin, E., Chu, E., Shults, P., Golnar, A., Swanson, D. A., Benn, J., Kim, D., Schneider, P., Pena, S., Culver, C., Medeiros, M. C. I., Hamer, S.A., & Hamer, G.L. (2019). Culicoides species community composition and infection status with parasites in an urban environment of east central Texas, USA. Parasites & Vectors, 12(1), 39.
Hynson N., Frank K., Alegado R., Amend A., Arif M., Bennett G., Jani A., Medeiros M., Mileyko Y., Nelson C., Nguyen N., Nigro O., Prisic S., Shin S., Takagi D., Wilson S., & Yew J. (2018) Synergy among microbiota and their hosts: leveraging the Hawaiian archipelago and local collaborative networks to address pressing questions in microbiome research. mSystems 3, e00159-17.
Ricklefs, R. E., Ellis, V. A., Medeiros, M. C.I., & Svensson-Coelho, M. (2018) Duration of embryo development and the prevalence of haematozoan blood parasites in birds. The Auk, 135, 276-283.
Fecchio, A., Svensson-Coelho, M., Bell, J., Ellis, V.A., Medeiros, M.C.I., Trisos, C.H., Blake, J.G., Loiselle, B.A., Tobias, J.A., Fanti, R., Coffey, E.D., de Faria, I.P., Pinho, J., Felix, G., Braga, E.M., Anciães, M., Tkach, V., Bates, J., Witt, C., Weckstein, J.D., Ricklefs, R.E., & Farias, I.P. (2017) Host associations and turnover of haemosporidian parasites in manakins (Aves: Pipridae). Parasitology 144, 984-993.
Ricklefs, R. E., Medeiros, M.C.I., Ellis, V. A., Svensson‐Coelho, M., Blake, J. G., Loiselle, B. A., Soares, L., Fecchio, A.,Outlaw, D.C., Marra, P.P, Latta, S.C., Valkiūnas, G., Hellgren, O., & Bensch, S. (2017) Avian migration and the distribution of malaria parasites in New World passerine birds. Journal of Biogeography 44, 1113-1123.
Bertram M.R., Hamer G.L., Hartup B.K., Snowden K.F., Medeiros M.C.I., & Hamer S.A. (2017) Haemosporida prevalence and diversity are similar in endangered wild whooping cranes (Grus americana) and sympatric sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis). Parasitology 144, 629-640.
Medeiros, M.C.I^, Boothe, E.^, Roarke, B., & Hamer, G.L. (2017) Dispersal of male and female Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes using stable isotope enrichment. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 11(1): e0005347. ^These authors contributed equally.
Bertram, M., Hamer, S.A., Hartup, B.K., Snowden, K.F., Medeiros, M.C.I., Outlaw, D.C., & Hamer, G.L. (2017) A novel Haemosporida clade at the rank of genus in North American cranes (Aves: Gruiformes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109, 73-79.
Ellis, V.A., Medeiros, M.C.I., Collins, M.D., Sari, E.H.R., Coffey, E.D., Dickerson, R.C., Lugarini, C., Stratford, J.A., Henry, D.R., Merrill, L., Matthews, A.E., Hanson, A.A., Roberts, J.R., Joyce, M., Kunkel, M.R., Ricklefs, R.E. (2017) Prevalence of avian haemosporidian parasites is positively related to the abundance of host species at multiple sites within a region. Parasitology Research, 116 (1), 73-80.
Castellanos, A.A.^, Medeiros, M.C.I.^, Hamer, G.L., Morrow, M.E., Eubanks, M.D., Teel, P.D., Hamer, S.A., & Light, J.E. (2016) Decreased small mammal and tick abundance in association with invasive red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta). Biology Letters, 12, 20160463. ^These authors contributed equally.
Medeiros, M.C.I., Ricklefs, R.E., Brawn, J.D., Ruis, M.O., Goldberg, T.L., & Hamer, G.L. (2016). Overlap in the seasonal infection patterns of avian malaria parasites and West Nile virus in vectors and hosts. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95, 1121-1129.
Lopes, L.E. Fernandes, A.M., Medeiros,M.C.I., & Marini M.A. (2016) A classification scheme for avian diet types. Journal of Field Ornithology, 87(3), 309-322
Meyers, J.I., Pathikonda, S., Popkin-Hall, Z.R., Medeiros, M.C.I., Fuseini, G., Matias, A., Garcia, G., Overgaard, H.J., Kulkarni, V., Reddy, V.P., Schwabe, C., Lines, J., Kleinschmidt, I., & Slotman, M.A. (2016) Increasing outdoor host-seeking in Anopheles gambiae over 6 years of vector control on Bioko Island. Malaria Journal, 15(1), 1.
Freed, L. A., Medeiros, M. C.I., & Cann, R. L. (2016) Multiple reversals of bill length over 1.7 million years in a Hawaiian bird lineage. The American Naturalist, 187(3), 363- 371.
Medeiros, M. C. I., Ricklefs, R.E., Brawn, J.D. & Hamer, G. L. (2015) Plasmodium prevalence across avian host species is positively associated with exposure to mosquito vectors. Parasitology, 142(13), 1612-1620
Ellis, V.A., Collins, M.D., Medeiros, M.C.I., Sari, E.H.R., Coffey, E.D., Dickerson, R.C., Lugarini, C., Stratford, J.A., Henry, D.R., Merrill, L., Matthews, A.E., Hanson, A.A., Roberts, J.R., Joyce, M., Kunkel, M.R. & Ricklefs, R.E. (2015) Local host specialization, host-switching, and dispersal shape the regional distributions of avian haemosporidian parasites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(36), 11294-11299.
Boothe, E., Medeiros, M. C. I., Kitron, U. D., Brawn, J. D., Ruiz, M. O., Goldberg, T. L., Walker, E.D. & Hamer, G. L. (2015) Identification of avian and hemoparasite DNA in blood-engorged abdomens of Culex pipiens (Diptera; Culicidae) from a west Nile virus epidemic region in suburban Chicago, Illinois. Journal of Medical Entomology, 52(3), 461-468.
Medeiros, M.C.I., Ellis, V.A. & Ricklefs, R.E. (2014) Specialized avian Haemosporida trade reduced host breadth for increased prevalence. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27(11), 2520-2528.
Ricklefs, R.E., Outlaw, D.C., Svensson-Coelho, M., Medeiros, M.C.I., Ellis, V.A. & Latta. S. (2014) Species formation by host shifting in avian malaria parasites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111 (41), 14816-14821.
Medeiros, M.C.I., Anderson, T.K., Higashiguchi, J.M., Kitron, U.D., Walker, E.D., Brawn, J.D., Krebs, B.L., Ruiz, M.O., Goldberg, T.L., Ricklefs, R.E., & Hamer, G.L. (2014) An inverse association between West Nile virus serostatus and avian malaria infection status. Parasites and Vectors 7, 415.
Medeiros, M. C. I., Hamer, G. L., & Ricklefs, R. E. (2013) Host compatibility rather than vector–host-encounter rate determines the host range of avian Plasmodium parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1760).
Before 2013
Medeiros, M. C., & Freed, L. A. (2009) A fledgling-mass threshold greatly affects juvenile survival in the Hawaii ‘ākepa (Loxops coccineus coccineus). The Auk, 126(2), 319-325.
Freed, L. A., Medeiros, M. C., & Bodner, G. R. (2008) Explosive increase in ectoparasites in Hawaiian forest birds. Journal of Parasitology, 94(5), 1009-1021.
Freed, L. A., Fretz, J. S., & Medeiros, M. C. (2007) Adaptation in the Hawaii ‘ākepa to breed and moult during a seasonal food decline. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 9(1), 157-167.